Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Be thankful

So, my revelation today was something I wanted to share.  I have always found it hard to "be satisfied".  I am always striving for more.  Yes, you may first think that this is a good thing; however, it may not always be.  I have an awesome family, great job, good friends, nice house.  The Lord has blessed me beyond my dreams.  I still find myself saying...Maybe I should apply to this job, what is I just moved that door and opened up that wall, what if...

I know that we should usually strive to achieve more and go beyond our comfort zone. But for me, today, I am going to thank God for my blessings.
  •  I am thankful that I have an AWESOME husband.  I've had a horrible one.  I know the difference.  I am thankful.
  • I am thankful that I have a home.  There was a time, many years ago, that I came very close to losing it.  I am thankful.
  • I am thankful for my job.  I have had many great opportunities in life and have never took the time to appreciate it while it was here.  I have been downsized and right sized, fired, and hired.  Ugh..  I am thankful.
  • I am thankful for my family.  I have lost two amazing parents, and one wonderful mother-in-law and still have a lot of family around to spend fun times with.  I am thankful.
  • I am thankful for my children.  As they have grown many changes, and challenges have happened, but they are all on a great path with bright futures.  I am thankful.
So, today is a day that I sit back and say THANK YOU to everyone for all my experiences that make me the person that I am.  What are you thankful for?  Please leave a reply or tweet @saramommamia to share and be thankful for what blessings we have.


Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Been a long time

Life has brought a lot of changes since my last post.  I've had; job gains & losses, friends gains & losses, financial up's and downs, and the loss of 2 parents. (mine and my in-law) Once thing that hasn't changed is my never ending optimistic attitude.  In that spirit, I wanted to change up things and change my site to focus more on what has always been most important part of me.  Positive attitude and all the things we surround ourselves with that helps us grow and become more.  Watch for changes and hopefully you'll be happy with what you see.  I am "employed elsewhere" so this as with most things in life that's worth doing is worth the wait! 
Have a Great Day!